Bermuda T419 is the most widely used turfgrass in the Atlanta area. Developed in 1959, it has proven the test of time in Atlanta, Georgia. A tenacious grower with the ability to appear outstanding, with good maintenance practices, however, can withstand minimum maintenance.
Recommended Uses
Very good turf grass for residence homeowners, builders, commercial sites, office complexes & Municipal sites. Also, Bermuda is used on sports fields and golf courses. Tiftway 419 offers a strong dense root system with a medium texture.
Strong Points
We install Fescue Sod, Bermuda Sod, Emerald Zoysia Sod, Meyers Zoysia Sod, Centipede Sod, St. Augustine Sod, Zeon Zoysia Sod, and Zorro Zoysia Sod.